You are here : Quality Control & Assurance > Masters > QC Parameter Version Control Entry
This option maintains QC Plan for the item by specifying its Control Parameters. Values of Sample Size, Maximum Limit and Minimum Limit of each Parameter are also maintained.
Further, while entering QC details against a GRN, observations related to each QC Parameter of an Item can be entered. But practically, it may happen that the QC Parameters of the same Item may differ from transaction to transaction.
In order to facilitate this unique requirement, IMMS provides an important facility of Version Control. Through this feature, multiple set of QC Parameters can be maintained for an Item and each set is given a unique Version Control Number. Therefore while entering QC details against a GRN, IMMS will provide the QC Parameters of an Item belonging to the latest Version Control Number but at the same time it also maintains the data belonging to the previous Version Control Numbers.
A list of all Items along with their Version Control Numbers will be displayed as follows -
Enter any text you want to search in the list below. The search is applicable to all columns of the list. Once the text is entered, press <ENTER> key. As a result, the list will be refreshed with all those records that contain the entered text fully or partially. In order to go back to the original list, remove the text from the box and press <ENTER> key again.
Version Controls can be added, and viewed in this master provided the Role associated with the currently logged-in user through User Management has the respective rights to do so.
To 'Add' a Version Control of an Item, click on the button and to view details of a particular Version Control, <DoubleClick> on that record. As a result, following screen will be displayed -
Please note that you can not 'Delete' an already existing QC Plan for an Item but can maintain different Versions for it
Specify the Item for QC which Parameters have to be specified.
While 'Adding', click on the icon to access a list of Items which have already been defined through Item Master Basic Detail - Entryoption in Engineering Module. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.
You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The help list will also not display such items.
In case of 'View' mode, Item of the selected record in the list will be displayed automatically.
Denotes the Version Control Number for the selected Item. It is an automatically generated sequence number.
While 'Adding' a QC Plan -
In case of 'View' mode, the Version Number of the selected Item in the list will be displayed automatically.
Following grid will be displayed -
Please note that -
While 'Adding' a QC Plan,
In case of 'View', this grid will display QC Plan belonging to the selected Item and Current Version. You can not make any changes in 'View' mode.
Click on the button to add a new Parameter in the grid. A new row will be added as a result.
Field Description of the grid -
Action Click on the icon to remove a record from the list. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the record. Param. Group: Denotes the Group of Parameter. Click on the field to access a list of Parameter Groups which have already been defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'QT') option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Group has been entered or not. Param Group Desc: Description of the selected Parameter Group will be displayed in this field. Param. Type: Denotes the Type of Parameter. Click on the field to access a list of ParametersTypes belonging to the selected Parameter Group which have already been defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'QP')option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Type from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Type. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Type has been entered or not. Param. Type Disc.: Description of the selected Parameter Type is displayed by default. Specification: Click on the field. Enter specification related to the Quality Parameter. Press <TAB>. Inst/Equip/Ref: (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 25) Click on the field. Enter the Equipment or Instrument or any other Reference used for the Quality Parameter. Press <TAB>. Record: (Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 25) Click on the field. Enter the number of records used for Quality Control. Press <TAB>. Max. Limit: (Type : Numeric, Length : 8.4) Click on the field. Enter the maximum limit allowed for the Quality parameter. Press <TAB>. Min. Limit: (Type : Numeric, Length : 8.4) Click on the field. Enter the minimum limit allowed for the Quality parameter. Press <TAB>.
Click on the icon to remove a record from the list. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the record.
Param. Group:
Denotes the Group of Parameter.
Click on the field to access a list of Parameter Groups which have already been defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'QT') option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Group from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Group. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Group has been entered or not.
Param Group Desc:
Description of the selected Parameter Group will be displayed in this field.
Param. Type:
Denotes the Type of Parameter.
Click on the field to access a list of ParametersTypes belonging to the selected Parameter Group which have already been defined through Codes Master - Entry (Code Type = 'QP')option of Administrator Tools Module. Select your desired Type from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Type. Press <TAB>. The system will check whether the right Type has been entered or not.
Param. Type Disc.:
Description of the selected Parameter Type is displayed by default.
Click on the field. Enter specification related to the Quality Parameter. Press <TAB>.
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 25)
Click on the field. Enter the Equipment or Instrument or any other Reference used for the Quality Parameter. Press <TAB>.
Click on the field. Enter the number of records used for Quality Control. Press <TAB>.
Max. Limit:
(Type : Numeric, Length : 8.4)
Click on the field. Enter the maximum limit allowed for the Quality parameter. Press <TAB>.
Min. Limit:
Click on the field. Enter the minimum limit allowed for the Quality parameter. Press <TAB>.
Once you have entered all the information related to the QC, click on 'Save' button to save it or 'Cancel' button to discard. The control will go back to the list.